All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 16th 2014

SLOW WARMING: Sunshine will be around for several days with a few clouds from time to time. Highs today will be in the 60s to near 70s across the state. Wednesday will bring temperatures up a few degrees into the upper 60s to lower 70s. Another pop on Thursday into the 70s will be seen as winds turn around to the south. Clouds will be on the increase on Friday ahead of a storm system that will move into the state. We could see some isolated showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon in the western and central counties of the state but the better chances look to come late Friday night through the day on Saturday. This storm will have the remnants from former Hurricane Odile that hit Baja California early Monday morning. This would possibly bring some heavy rains to the area similar to what the remnants of Norbert brought last week. There is some fluctuation that may still occur with this system so nothing is set in stone quite yet. An early morning shower in the eastern counties Sunday will give way to partly to mostly sunny skies with readings in the 70s for the rest of the day.

NEXT WEEK AND BEYOND: There has been little consistency out in the extended period and this run is no different. The GFS shows a cut-off low over the eastern half of the country that seems to meander around. This would tend to keep temperatures around here near seasonal levels as the ridge off to our west doesn’t make any progress toward us. The main storm track will also be missing us to our north keeping a lot of the precipitation away from the state through the end of the month. Until we see more consistency with the runs, we have little confidence in this solution at this time.

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