All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 15th 2014

THE WEEK AHEAD: Rain will be moving through the state during the first half of the day today. We should see some clearing in our western counties during the afternoon hours. This will warm readings well into the 60s there while the eastern counties may see the rain and the clouds last longer which should hold high temperatures in the upper 50s to lower 60s there. Tuesday will see plenty of sunshine around the entire state with readings well into the 60s. There is a disturbance that may kick off an isolated shower late Tuesday night or early on Wednesday but many places will remain dry. Looking toward Thursday and Friday, the winds will begin to switch around out of the south and southwest. With this another disturbance may move into the state and kick off more showers and perhaps an isolated thunderstorm or two. Readings are expected to warm into the 70s at this point, but could get held down if there is enough cloudiness around that could keep temperatures lower.

NEXT WEEKEND: A cold front will move across the state Saturday into Saturday night with a chance of showers and thunderstorms possible. It’s still too early to determine if there could be severe weather with this system but we have plenty of time to watch it in the coming days. Highs on Saturday are expected to be in the middle and upper 70s. Sunday will see skies clearing out and sunshine around once again. Readings are expected to be a bit cooler with lower and middle 70s possible but there will also be less humidity so it should feel more comfortable.

THROUGH THE END OF THE MONTH: Some changes are seen in the extended period, with a few storm systems and variable temperatures through the end of the month. A cold front is shown to come through around the 23rd or 24th which will bring cooler air down from Canada for a day or two. Then the ridge that we’ve been talking about for the last few days will move in that should warm readings well into the 70s or even possibly some lower 80s as well. This looks to be broken by a system around the 28th and 29th that will bring down much cooler weather from Canada once again. Of course as is the case with the extended period, these things may change so our confidence in this solution isn’t good at this point, but we’ll keep watching nonetheless.

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