All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 14th 2014

COOL WEATHER CONTINUES: The temperatures will continue to stay below seasonal levels for several more days across the state. Today there will be plenty of sunshine around similar to yesterday. There may be a few more clouds around than on Saturday, however highs will be a few degrees warmer as well with middle to upper 60s across the state. A disturbance will move through the state late tonight through the first half of Monday. This will bring some showers and perhaps a rumble of thunder or two. Rainfall amounts will generally be a quarter of an inch or less with this system moving through. Skies may clear in the western counties by the middle of the day and they may see readings well into the middle and upper 60s. The eastern counties where the rain could hold on longer into the day may struggle to get out of the upper 50s and lower 60s in many areas. Looking at Tuesday, it should be a repeat of what we see today with plenty of sunshine, a few clouds and highs in the middle and upper 60s across the state. There could be a disturbance on Wednesday that may kick off an isolated shower or two, but those chances look rather remote at this point. We’ll watch models to see if this continues or diminishes on upcoming runs.

LOOKING TOWARD NEXT WEEKEND: The winds will turn around to the south on Thursday ahead of the next storm system that will be approaching from the west. This storm will be moving through Friday into Saturday with showers and thunderstorms possible at that time. Readings will warm back into the 70s for most of the state during this time. It’s still too early to determine whether or not we could see some severe weather with this system, but the likelihood at this time is that it would be minimal but things may change in coming model runs. Next Sunday looks to be the better of the two days next weekend with mostly sunny skies with readings in the 70s for most of the state.

EXTENDED PERIOD: The ridge is still shown on this GFS Model Run and may influence our weather for the latter half of September. This would keep skies mainly clear and temperatures slightly above seasonal levels. Two cut-off lows are shown to form, one over California and one over New England that may block the pattern at the end of the period. We’ll have to wait and see if any trends form in the coming days.

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