All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 13th 2014

STAYING COOL: The weekend is going to feature plenty of sunshine but cooler than average readings across the state. Highs today will be in the lower 60s across the state. Sunday will see readings a few degrees warmer with middle and upper 60s likely. A few locations in the southwestern counties may get to 70. The next disturbance will move across the state late Sunday night through Monday. This will bring some rain showers at that time. This doesn’t look to be a complete washout, but some showers are possible from time to time. Readings will be in the 60s across the state with partly to mostly cloudy skies around outside the shower chances. Tuesday and Wednesday don’t look much different with regards to the temperatures, highs remaining in the 60s to around 70 with mainly sunny skies around with a few clouds.

WARMING UP: Winds will turn around to the south on Thursday and Friday. This should warm readings back into the 70s for most of the state. This will be ahead of a storm system that will approach the state by next Saturday. This would bring showers and thunderstorms at that time. We’ll have to monitor this in the coming days for any changes in the timing and strength of this system.

NEARING THE END OF SEPTEMBER: Looking ahead into the extended period, temperatures look to rebound to seasonal levels and may possibly even go above seasonal levels for a time as well. The ridge still shows up on this run. This looks to keep the state fairly warm and dry for most of the extended period. Any storms will likely miss us to the north if this holds true, however we have two weeks to watch and see if this trend continues.

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