All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 12th 2014

COOL WEEKEND: A cold rain will fall across the state today as a disturbance moves through the area. This will hold readings down in the lower and middle 50s across the state. The rain will move out later tonight and depending on when skies clear during the overnight hours, may drop readings well into the 30s to lower 40s across the state. The best chance for seeing any light frost will be in the far northern and northwestern counties of the state where skies should be clear the longest. This would be a good night to test your furnace to see if it is in working order, then wait until it’s needed later on. Heading into the weekend, it will remain seasonably cool across the state with readings mainly in the 60s across the state with sunshine galore.

MORE RAIN: Another disturbance looks to move in on Monday which may bring some showers to the state at that time. This will reinforce the cool air over the state for several more days as readings will remain in the 60s. Tuesday and Wednesday should be mainly sunny across the state with temperatures remaining in the 60s to lower 70s. Winds will turn around to the south on Thursday which should bring the temperatures back to near seasonal levels at that time. We will also see an increase in clouds which will be ahead of the next storm system that will move into the state late Thursday night into Friday. We have plenty of time to watch this in the coming days.

EVEN FARTHER ALONG: As we look into the extended period, we see the northwesterly flow continuing for a few more days before a ridge begins to build just to our west. This would bring warm weather to the Central Plains states and possibly into the western counties of Iowa. The eastern counties would still have the effects of the northwesterly flow which would keep readings closer to seasonal levels. The ridge looks to flatten out toward the end of the period, but weather conditions around here would remain somewhat tranquil with little precipitation around at that time. Things are likely to change so we’ll keep watching for any changes or trends in the coming days.

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