All of Iowa, Sports Weather

College Football Forecast Week #1


Here is the week #1 forecast as we see it now. There could see some showers still remaining over the eastern half of the state during tailgate. These could be somewhat heavy especially the farther east you are. These will be moving out of the state during the morning hours, however some rain could still be around for Kickoff at Kinnick and at Jack Trice, moreso at Kinnick than Jack Trice. Skies will begin to clear during the game with mostly sunny skies being seen in Ames at the end of the game, and partly sunny skies around the final whistle at Kinnick. Readings will be in the 60s to lower 70s during tailgate, lower 70s by kickoff (at 11am) and rising to near or just over 80 by the end of the game. If there are more clouds than are currently forecast, these readings will be lower, more likely in the middle to upper 70s. It will all depend on when this rain can get out of the state. Enjoy the game!