All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report August 24th 2014

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NO CHANGE: Forecast still about the same as yesterday. We’ll see plenty of sunshine around the state today with a few clouds in the afternoon. Chances of precipitation will be almost nil across the state today. Readings will be well into the 80s and 90s across the state with heat indices getting close to or possibly surpassing 100. The frontal system will move back into the state slowly late tonight through early on Thursday now as we have seen a slowing of this system. This is due to the tropical system (Cristobal) that will be moving just off the east coast for the first part of the week. This tends to slow systems down in our part of the country so the chances of precipitation are likely to continue off and on from late tonight through the first half of Thursday before cooler and drier weather will encompass the state for the end of the week and into the Labor Day Weekend. As with the chances of precipitation we had in the previous days, the rainfall could be locally heavy and could lead to some flash flooding in some areas.

LABOR DAY AND BEYOND: Most of the Labor Day weekend at this time will be dry with some partial sunshine and readings in the 70s and 80s. We will see winds turn southerly on Sunday as the storm system approaches from the west. This could bring an isolated shower or storm in our western counties on Labor Day especially in the afternoon but the rain may hold off until the evening or into the overnight. Of course this is in the extended period so we’ll see if this continues on model runs later on today and in the coming days as well. Looking farther into the month of September the GFS is showing several systems that may traverse the state with the chance of showers and thunderstorms. Timing these out is very difficult at this point but we’ll keep an eye on them.

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