All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report August 1st 2014

GOOD DAY SUNSHINE: Guess what? The weather will be the same again today as it was yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. There is a twist to this rerun. Yesterday saw a few showers and storms pop up in western and northwestern Iowa. Some of these dropped quite a bit of rain in some areas, where storms continuously reformed. We could see a repeat of that again today over the state. We can’t say where and we can’t say when they will form but anytime in the afternoon into the evening the chance will be there. Most places however will remain dry with the typical morning sunshine followed by afternoon clouds. This weekend we will be back to the mundane sunshine, afternoon cloud routine. Monday looks to be the same as well. Highs today through Monday will range from the upper 70s through the middle 80s across the state.

LORDY LORDY: The weather pattern changes. GASP! We may see some widespread chances of showers and thunderstorms Tuesday through Thursday. GASP!. No more sunshine, afternoon cloud routine here. It doesn’t look to be an all-day rain by any means but the chances are there Tuesday through Thursday of seeing showers and storms at almost any time. The best chances do look to come during the daylight hours but we can’t rule out any precipitation during the night either. The Iowa State Fair begins in Des Moines on Thursday and depending on when this storm moves out, the first day could start out wet and then dry off by the afternoon into the evening hours. We’ll see if the timing speeds up to have the first day of the fair completely dry. Or the system slows down and the whole first day is a wash out. We should have a clearer picture on this in the coming days. Readings look to remain in the 80s during this period but some cooler weather is possible if we get more cloudiness around.

OUR GREAT FAIR IS A GREAT STATE FAIR: Heading farther into the State Fair time frame, the pattern is more zonal which the main storm track mainly over Canada or the far northern part of the country. This would tend to bring some storm systems in that could bring some shower and thunderstorm activity to the state. Timing these out ahead of time is difficult as model data tends to change quite a bit between now and the time frame in question. As we get toward the end of the fair, a trough tries to drop into the country from Canada. However a ridge over the southeast begins to strengthen which looks to kill the advancing trough thus leading to a possible heat wave toward the end of the fair as the storm track moves farther north into Canada at that time. We’ll see if this occurs as we move along.

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