All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 26th 2014

NEXT SEVEN DAYS: No real changes in the forecast. A few showers and storms are possible later today mainly over the southern half of the state. Highs will be in the 80s to lower 90s. Sunshine will be in full supply for the rest of next week with readings in the 70s to lower 80s with some afternoon clouds. A few isolated showers and storms are possible Sunday afternoon with a disturbance moving through. We may also see some activity toward the end of the week as well, but we’ll have to wait until we get closer to get a batter grasp on that.

FARTHER OUT: Temperatures look to remain slightly below seasonal levels for the beginning of the extended period before seeing readings moderating toward normal by the end of the period. There could be some risk of showers and storms around but we aren’t seeing any organized systems at this point so timing anything out would be fruitless.

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