All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 19th 2014

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WEEKEND INTO NEXT WEEK: Warmer temperatures will continue to move into the state through the weekend into early next week. Readings today will be in the 80s and 80s to lower 90s possible Sunday through Tuesday. The next storm system looks to move into the state Tuesday into Wednesday with a chance of showers and thunderstorms at that time. It’s too early to determine the threat of severe weather at this time however. This looks to be followed by drier air however readings look to remain in the lower and middle 80s on Thursday before a warm front moves back into the state from the west on Friday, bringing with it another chance of precipitation at that time.

FARTHER ALONG: Heading into the extended period, we see virtually no changes regarding the pattern we’ve been seeing the last few days. A ridge will be off to our west and a trough to our east. This would put us in a northwesterly flow which will keep readings near seasonal levels with a threat of showers and thunderstorms from time to time as disturbance come up and over the ridge and dive southeast across the state. Timing of these disturbances are still up in the air but we should be able to get a better understanding of these as we move closer to the time period.

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