All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 18th 2014

SLOWLY WARMING TEMPERATURES: The continued slow increase of temperatures will continue into the weekend with readings climbing into the upper 70s and lower 80s today and into the 80s and lower 90s by the latter half of the weekend into next week. Along with the increase in temperatures will come an increase in the humidity as well. Sunshine will still be around in full force though with no chance of precipitation until at least late Monday through Wednesday with a system that will move through at that time.

ENDING THE WEEK: Slightly cooler weather will end the week with readings still in the lower and middle 80s but a bit less humid around the area. Unfortunately that doesn’t look to last too long as a frontal system moves into the state from the west late Thursday into next Friday with a chance of showers and thunderstorms at that time.

ENDING THE MONTH: Going out into the extended period, a trough will build into the Great Lakes and northeast by next weekend which will put the state in a northwesterly flow as the ridge builds over the west. This would bring us some chances of showers and storms every few days or so as disturbances top the ridge and then dive southeastward toward the state. It’s too early to determine timing of these events so we’ll just have to keep watching model trends for the next couple of days.

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