All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 17th 2014

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WARMING UP: Sunshine with some afternoon clouds will be in full supply through the weekend across the state. Readings slowly warming through the 70s today and into the 80s and lower 90s by the weekend as a ridge tries to build in from the west. This will keep us dry at least through Tuesday and Wednesday of next week when a frontal system will try to push into the state from the north. This would bring some showers and thunderstorms at that time, but if the ridge is stronger and holds, this would tend to keep the system at bay and keep us dry and perhaps warmer for the foreseeable future. The GFS is hinting at very warm readings heading into next week with 80s and 90s commonplace across the state and perhaps even warmer than that in the western counties, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens with that in due time.

CLOSING IN ON AUGUST: As we head into the extended period which will take us to the first day of August, the ridge looks to break down slightly by the end of next week which may put us in a northwesterly flow. If this were to be the case this would bring some storm systems around the ridge that looks to remain to our west and southwest every few days or so. This would also keep readings in check with no scorching or cold days. Slightly cooler air looks to take hold as we end July and head into August. We have been seeing this northwesterly flow on several model runs for some time, but timing is still up in the air at this juncture. We’ll take it day by day for the time being.

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