All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 15th 2014

ATYPICAL JULY: The lazy hazy crazy days of summer won’t be around this week with readings feeling more like Football season than the middle of summer across the state. Highs today will be in the 60s and lower 70s across the state with sunshine around. There will be some afternoon pop up clouds due to the cold air aloft and daytime heating but no precipitation is expected to fall out of those clouds at this point. This will also repeat itself on Wednesday with readings a degree or two warmer in the lower and middle 70s across the state. Thursday will see more of the same with readings a few degrees warmer than Wednesday with middle to upper 70s across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies.

THE WEEKEND AHEAD: The weekend will see warmer readings back into the 80s by Sunday with dry weather still ongoing. Yesterday we had a storm that was going to come through Saturday night into Sunday, but this model run shows no storm system in the state. It also shows the ridge trying to build into the state as well. This would bring readings into the 80s and 90s by Sunday and especially next Monday. This is also the first two days of RAGBRAI as well so cyclists should be aware that the readings will be much warmer than they currently are.

THROUGH THE END OF JULY: A disturbance will move through the state next Tuesday which looks to be the next chance of showers and thunderstorms at that time. We’ll see if this continues on future model runs or goes away similar to what happened with the supposed Sunday system. Looking farther out, the ridge tries to move into the state but a disturbance around the 25th will drag a cold front through as a trough would dig in across the Great Lakes and Northeast once more. We’ll wait to see if any trends develop in the coming days otherwise confidence past seven days is low at this point.

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