All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report June 25th 2014

FLUID SITUATION: Some sunshine and some storms will be taking place across the state through the rest of the week and into the weekend. There will be some showers and thunderstorms across the state mainly during the overnight periods beginning tonight along with some isolated activity during the afternoon and evening hours. There is no real targeted area that will get the heaviest rainfall at this point and we may not know that until it occurs. This is a hard forecast to get right because we can’t say where storms are going to form and move until they begin forming and even then we can’t tell you how much rain they may bring. Another thing is that some of the storms could become strong to severe as well but we can’t pinpoint that down either. All we know is that there will be a multi-day and night chance of seeing showers and thunderstorms across the state. Not everyone will get precipitation each day or night, but most places by Monday morning should have received at least an inch of rain with some places getting more than that especially if we see repeated rounds for several days and or nights. Highs today and tomorrow will be in the upper 70s to middle 80s across the state with readings slowly rising into the 80s to lower 90s by the weekend.

INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN: The GFS continues to show a ridge building in around the 4th of July and a few days past that time frame with some warmer and drier weather across the state. This would be broken around the 7th or 8th with a system that may bring some cooler weather along with more showers and thunderstorms at that time. Nothing is set in stone at this time however outside the ridge that we’ve seen on the models for several days now. We’ll watch for any more trends that may arise in the coming days.

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