All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report June 22nd 2014

NO CHANGE: The next few days will continue to bring chances of showers and thunderstorms to the state. Some of the storms could bring severe weather but the big risk looks to be from heavy rains that may cause flash flooding and lead to a longer flooding duration on area rivers that are currently in flood or about to be in the coming days. Highs today will be in the 80s for the most part with Monday seeing readings slightly cooler, in the upper 70s to middle 80s across the state.

MORE OF THE SAME: A brief break from the precipitation looks to come on Tuesday with some partly to mostly sunny skies at that time. Readings will be similar to Monday with upper 70s to middle 80s across the state. However the rain returns again late Tuesday night and parks over the state again Wednesday into Thursday. Some of the precipitation could be heavy once again which will aggravate already flooding rivers. It’s too early to determine if any of the storms during this period will become severe but it is certainly possible. We’ll have a day or two to get a better grasp on that.

NEXT WEEKEND AND BEYOND: The GFS continues to show rain and storms across the state Friday and into the weekend. At this point, any precipitation would be determined by what happens on previous days. We are likely to see some sunshine during this period but that could bring about more storms at that time. It’s pretty much a wait and see attitude at this point. Looking at the extended period, a ridge begins to take shape and move into the area as we head into July and the holiday. If this were to occur we would likely see readings well into the 90s with heat indices possibly getting to or over 100 depending on the humidity. The chances of precipitation would lessen at this point as well. We still have plenty of time to watch this in the coming days however.

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