All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report June 21st 2014


MORE STORMS: Another few days of stormy weather across the state with chances of thunderstorms with some of the storms turning severe with large hail and damaging winds being the main threats along with heavy rain. This would cause rivers to continue to flood for a longer duration across the state. This is expected to last through the weekend into early next week before we get a slight break before more rain is expected at the middle to end of next week. Readings during this period will be in the 80s to near 90 cooling into the upper 70s to middle 80s by the middle of next week.

FARTHER ALONG: This run of the GFS is showing no real changes to the pattern with chances of precipitation here and there and readings mainly near seasonal levels. The heat ridge we saw yesterday is not as pronounced as was before so this would keep temperatures from getting too warm at this time, but we’ll watch to see if that comes back on upcoming runs or we stay with the status quo for the time being.

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