All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report May 1st 2014

ANOTHER SHOWERY COLD DAY: This upper level low which has been around for days is finally beginning to move away but its effects will still be around today with some clouds and a few showers. Not everyone will get wet. Readings today will be held down once again to the upper 40s through the lower and middle 50s across the state. Friday the clouds will slowly begin to decrease, however the northeastern counties of the state may still see a slight chance of a shower with highs still in the upper 40s there while the rest of the state will see readings in the 50s to near 60 in the southwestern counties of the state.

WEEKEND INTO EARLY NEXT WEEK: The sun will return this weekend, but temperatures will still be a bit below seasonal levels for the early part of May with highs in the upper 50s through the 60s across the state. There is a slight chance of seeing a shower on Sunday but the models look very pessimistic for that at this point. The chances of showers and thunderstorms look to increase as we head into the new work week with the best chances coming Tuesday through next Thursday as the next system moves in from the west. Readings will also be back into the 60s and 70s on Tuesday and 70s to lower 80s on Wednesday ahead of the system.

EXTENDED PERIOD: The rest of the period continues to look active with chances of showers and thunderstorms and readings near seasonal levels. There is a bit of cooler weather possible briefly around the 12th but we’ll see if this is seen in future model runs or not. No real trends are seen at this time but we’ll keep watching for any in the coming days.

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