All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 23rd 2014

RAIN AND STORMS: It’s going to be a rainy two days across the state with a system moving in from the west. Showers and thunderstorms will be possible off and on today and tomorrow across the area. Any severe weather will remain off to the southwest of the state. Rainfall through Thursday evening will be around an inch or so with some places possibly seeing more than that. Highs will be in the upper 50s through the lower 70s both days.

WEEKEND COOLDOWN: Another system will move into the state late Saturday into Sunday with more showers and thunderstorms. It will be cool with readings in the 50s to lower 60s, however there has been some model disagreements with some warmer air possibly getting back into the southern counties of the state. This system looks to last into Monday, Tuesday and even into Wednesday according to this run as the system will slowly move eastward. Readings on Monday according to this run would be in the upper 40s to middle 50s during the day so several cold raw rainy days are possible Sunday through Wednesday across the state. We’ll be able to pin this forecast down once this next storm gets out of the state.

ONWARD TO MAY: Cooler than average readings look to start the extended period with warming to seasonal levels at the end. A few systems here and there may bring us some precipitation but none at this time that we can’t pinpoint clearly. There will be some dry days where the farmers may be able to get out into the fields to begin spring planting (if they haven’t already done so).

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