All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 22nd 2014

STORMS ON THE WAY: Today will be bright and sunny across the state but a bit chilly with readings in the upper 50s to near 70 across the state. Clouds will be on the increase tonight ahead of the next storm system that will move into the area Wednesday into Thursday. This will bring some showers and thunderstorms to the state at that time. Severe weather looks rather minimal in the state at this time, but there could be some active weather off to our west and especially to our southwest over KS and OK. Readings in the upper 50s northeast to lower 70s southwest on Wednesday with 60s across the state on Thursday as the cold front swings through the area. Rainfall could reach one half to one inch in some areas with isolated heavier totals in areas that see repeated thunderstorm activity.

HEADING INTO THE WEEKEND: Friday will see partly to mostly sunny skies, with more clouds over the northern counties than in the south. Highs will be mainly in the 60s with some areas in the far north perhaps staying in the upper 50s for daytime temperatures. The next system looks to move in late on Saturday into Sunday with some rain and embedded thunder as well. It will be quite chilly with highs on Saturday in the 50s with increasing clouds later in the day and perhaps even cooler on Sunday with some upper 40s possible in the northern counties. It will not be a nice weekend for anything outdoors, unless getting wet is in the cards. The rain looks to last into Monday and perhaps into Tuesday as well. Toward the end we could see some of the precipitation mix with some snow especially during the overnight hours in our northern counties. We’ll be able to pinpoint this more clearly as we get closer to the event.

MAY IT WARM UP?: The GFS shows colder than average air lasting for the first few days of the period before warming to near seasonal levels at the end. There is an equal chance of seeing some shower and thunderstorm activity but no trends are seeing regarding anything of significance, but we’ll keep watching to see if that changes.

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