All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 11th 2014

THE NEXT STORM: Mostly sunny skies will be around the state again today with readings in the upper 60s to the middle 70s. The next storm comes in for the weekend with a chance of showers and thunderstorms possible. There is a chance some of the storms could be strong with mainly hail and gusty winds possible. The system continues into Sunday with some showers and possibly embedded thunderstorms as well. It will be cooler as most of the state will be behind the cold front so readings in the 40s and 50s for highs will be likely across the state with some readings falling during the afternoon. There has been some consistency of seeing the precipitation possibly changing over to some rain snow mix. It’s still too early to determine any possible accumulations, but we’ll keep watching to see if anything changes as we move along. The precipitation looks to end by Monday morning. Precipitation amounts look to range between about 1-2 inches with some isolated heavier totals than that.

NEXT WEEK: Monday and Tuesday will be quite chilly across the state with readings in the 40s to lower 50s for highs. Lows will drop into the 20s and 30s. There is a slight chance of a shower on Tuesday but it doesn’t look like a lot at this time. A warm front will through the state Wednesday night into Thursday that may bring a shower to the northern counties of the state at that time. Readings will rebound into the 50s, 60s and perhaps 70s toward the end of the week. This will be ahead of the next system that looks to move in Friday into the following weekend.

CONTINUING ON: The extended period shows several chances of showers and thunderstorms with readings looking to remain near seasonal levels for the middle to end of April. It’s still too early to pinpoint anything specifically but we’ll keep watching for any trends that may develop in the coming days.

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