All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report March 30th 2014

WARM WINDY STORMY: Another warm day in store across the state today with gusty southwest winds and readings in the 60s and 70s. There is a risk of some wildfire danger today with the gusty winds and low relative humidity. Tonight, the next storm moves in. This will bring us a chance of some showers and thunderstorms to the state. This will continue into the day on Monday as the cold front moves across the state. We will see readings hitting their highs of the day early in the western and perhaps central counties of the state before falling in the afternoon hours. In the eastern counties, readings may get into the 60s before the front moves through with some showers and thunderstorms along it. Some of the precipitation will end as some wintry mix or wet snow in the northern counties of the state. Any accumulations are expected to be light and shouldn’t cause too much of a problem. All of the precipitation will be out of the state by Tuesday morning.

THE NEXT SYSTEM: We don’t get much of a respite with the next storm on top of us during the day on Wednesday. This will bring more showers and perhaps a thunderstorm as well. The heaviest of the precipitation looks to be across the southern and southeastern counties of the state where an inch is certainly possible. There will be lighter amounts elsewhere in the state. Another brief respite on Thursday before another storm drops more rain on the state on Friday. There will be colder air around on Friday that may change the precipitation in the northwestern counties over to a wintry mix before ending there. We’ll have a few days to watch this and fine tune it as it and the rest of these systems get closer.

NEXT WEEKEND AND BEYOND: The extended period sees some possible active storms moving through the area, but this could be gone on the next model run. Temperatures look to start out cool before warming to near seasonal levels for the middle of April. We’ll see if any trends are formed in the coming days.

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