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Iowa Weather Report March 26th 2014

NOTE: The statewide Tornado Drill is at 10am this morning.

STORMS ON THE WAY: A much warmer day in store with readings in the 40s in the north and northeastern counties through the lower 60s in the far western Iowa. There will be plenty of sunshine around as well with an increase in the cloudiness toward the afternoon hours. Tonight into Thursday a storm system will move into the state with a chance of some showers and possible thunderstorms. Severe weather will stay to our south across Missouri with only general thunderstorms around here. Highs on Thursday will be in the 40s north and 50s south. As colder air moves back in Thursday evening and night, the precipitation will likely end as a rain snow mix across the eastern half of the state. This shouldn’t amount to a whole lot and shouldn’t bring much of any travel issues across the state as well.

THROUGH THE WEEKEND: A disturbance may kick up some light rain on Friday mainly over the southern counties, otherwise skies look to be partly to mostly cloudy across the state with readings in the upper 30s north to low 50s in the south. The weekend will be mainly dry, mainly sunny and mainly warmer with readings well into the 50s and 60s across the state with winds out of the south and southwest. We may see some areas near or even over 70 as well. With the warm weather and winds, this may lead to a heightened fire danger risk so be aware of that. A cold front will move through the state early on Monday morning which could bring some rain to the state at that time possibly mixed with some snow in the far northern counties. This will also drop readings back into the 40s and 50s for highs on Monday with slowly clearing skies.

INTO APRIL: The next system looks to be moving in next Tuesday the 1st and could last through at least the 3rd. This could bring some showers and thunderstorms to the state. We could see the precipitation end as a wintry mix, but we’ll be able to pinpoint that as we get closer to the event. Going further into the month, temperatures will rise to near and above seasonal levels as we get closer to the middle of the month with some chances of precipitation, although this run looks fairly dry compared with other runs over the last few days.

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