All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report March 22nd 2014

IT’S COLD AGAIN: Another wave of cooler than average readings will be moving back into the state this weekend into the first part of next week as well. Partly to Mostly Sunny skies will be around today with readings in the 20s and 30s across the state. Tonight readings will plummet into the upper single digits north and teens elsewhere. On Sunday there will be more of the same with partly to mostly sunny skies with temperatures mainly in the 20s and 30s. The next system will move into the state late Sunday night through the day on Monday. This will be bringing mainly some light snow across the state. The various models have been all over the board with regards to any possible snowfall amounts at this point, with the NAM going so far as saying a swath of moderate to possibly heavy snow is possible in western and southern Iowa. It is still a bit too early to determine snow amounts at this time, but accumulating snow does look likely at this time. This system will be pulling out of the state on Tuesday with the cold weather continuing once again. Highs on Tuesday will still be in the 20s and 30s across the state. It could be cooler than that if we do get some snow to stick to the ground.

WARMING UP: A warm front will move through the state on Wednesday which will bring us out of the deep freeze and back to near seasonal temperatures by Thursday. There is a slight chance we may see some light snow or flurries Wednesday morning in the northeastern counties of the state, but it doesn’t look to amount to a whole lot at this time. Readings will be back near seasonal levels on Thursday but unfortunately, the next storm will also be at our doorstep bringing some rain at that time. This looks to last through the night into early on Friday as well. There could be some parts of northern and northwestern Iowa that may see a transition to a wintry mix or all snow but it’s a bit too early to determine that at this time. We’ll keep watching trends and should be able to pinpoint the forecast as we head into next week. Another dose of colder air looks to follow this storm as well for the following weekend.

APRIL: The GFS is still hinting at a possible active pattern heading into the month of April with several storms. Temperatures will be near seasonal levels throughout the period but nothing is set in stone yet, so we’ll continue to watch to see if this trend continues in future model runs.

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