POLYGON Issuance #3 Life as an Alabama TV Meteorologist

For the re-premiere of POLYGON after an eight month layoff we brought you the legend of Alabama Weather James Spann into the POLYGON this week. We talked with him about several topics including warnings, outbreaks, the snow storm in January down south and several other things. Many things you’ve heard James say before on the show WeatherBrains that he hosts every Monday night and some stuff you haven’t. We couldn’t even scrape the amount of knowledge this man has seen and done over the vast 36 years he’s been on television doing the weather. He is the reason the show is named as such for the phrase “Respect the Polygon” when it comes to warnings that are issued. We hope to have him on again in the future to delve into more topics that we didn’t get around to in the 1 hour 20 minutes we had with James this past evening.

CONTACT US: You can contact us via many ways. By email at [email protected]. You can follow us on Twitter @henrycluker_wx and @iowawx. If you want to suggest a guest for the show you can do it that way. You can also tell us how we’re doing, what you like, what you don’t like as well.

UPCOMING GUESTS: Next Friday, Ricky Matthews from UNC Charlotte
March 28th Derek McKay from our own IWN to talk about Gardening and Horticulture.

Please Join us live each Friday Night at 7pm CDT, 8PM EDT, 5pm PDT for POLYGON. You can watch it at www.iawx.net/polygon