All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report February 10th 2014


COLD AND MORE SNOW: It seems that we’re still going to be in the stuck pattern of cold weather and snow for the next couple of days. First off the cold temperatures that will chill the state today and tomorrow will keep highs in the single digits for most places today and only in the teens to lower 20s on Tuesday. A system will move into the state on Wednesday bringing with it some light snow. Accumulations at this point look to be around an inch or so. Another system is quick on its heels on Thursday with perhaps another inch at that time. This will be followed by another drop in readings on Friday back into the teens if not lower for highs.

WEEKEND: Another system will move quickly through the area early on Saturday which may bring even more snow to the state. It’s too early to determine amounts at this time but it doesn’t look to be big amounts at this time. Warmer air will move in on Sunday with southwesterly winds but with the amount of snowpack on the ground we may only make it into the 20s and 30s across the state. Any melting of snow may bring some light fog to some areas. This will be followed by a cold front heading into next Monday which may bring us either rain, a wintry mix or some snow to the area, but we have plenty of time to look at this storm in the coming days.

THROUGH THE FORECAST PERIOD: In the extended period the GFS shows some warmer temperatures to begin with that may start melting a little bit of the snowpack we have. It also shows a few storms on the 19th and 21st that could bring some precipitation our way. More cold air arrives to finish out the month with perhaps a clipper system with some snow mixed in as well. We’ll have plenty of time to watch for this as we move through the month.

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