Month: January 2014

Gardening, Uncategorized

From Arctic Air to warmth. Storm system to bring Rain to the south and sleet and snow to the north towards Waterloo, up to 1″ possible. Then everyone feels the warmth Sunday as highs rise to the upper 30s to middle 40s, then temperatures going up and down after this day.

Regional Weather view Weather across the region will be warming up significantly after our outbreak of arctic air last week. Some places will even gone from below zero weather last week to rain this week. A weak weather system moving across Southeast Iowa will bring rain to the 1/3rd of Southeast Iowa, and sleet and …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 9th 2014

[youtube=] WINTER PLETHORA: Interesting weather upcoming for the next few days as temperatures continue to warm across the state. One disturbance will skim the state to the southeast with a little bit of snow flurry activity in the southeastern counties of the state. The big deal is the system on Friday into early on Saturday. …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 8th 2014

[youtube=] THROUGH TO THE WEEKEND: Some interesting weather upcoming over the next couple of days as temperatures continue to warm from the deep freeze we had earlier in the week. Some flurries or light snow will be possible across mainly the southern counties of the state. Any accumulation will be no more than a dusting. …

Forecast, Gardening, Uncategorized

Cold Temperature Report- bitter cold temperatures of -20.F reported with wind chills of near -50. Coldest in recent history

Cold Evening January 7th We are now on the upward trend side of an arctic outbreak that hit the region and our area starting on Saturday. According to multiple weather agencies the cause of the arctic outbreak was literally a piece of the polar vortex from the Arctic Circle broke off and moves south as …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 7th 2014

[youtube=] ON THE WAY UP: The coldest of the air will now be behind us as temperatures will be going nowhere but up for the next couple of days. Highs today will actually break above zero for most locations with single digits and even some teens in the southern counties. There will be partly to …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 6th 2014

[youtube=] COLD START: It is going to be dangerously cold for the first few days of the work week with highs likely not getting above zero today and not getting above zero for the northern counties on Tuesday. Wind Chills will be dangerously cold as well with -30 to -55 degree readings likely. We do …

All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 5th 2014

[youtube=] GIFT FROM THE ARCTIC: It’s going to be a cold few days across the state and region with bitter cold air along with some wind bringing very dangerous wind chills as well. Today will be seeing clearing skies as a storm will be departing to our east. There could be some lingering snow across …