All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 31st 2014


SNOW DAYS: The next system is on its way to the area today and Saturday bringing with it some accumulating snow to the state. Current indications show that the southern half of the state is the most likely to receive the heaviest snow accumulations at this time, but there has been some slight shift northward of late with some of the models that may bring some snow for most of the state except perhaps the far northwestern counties. The heaviest snow band looks to be about 3-5” across the southeastern corner of the state, with 1-3” of snow mainly south of an Onawa to Webster City to Waverly to PDC line. Highs today will be in the 10s and lower 20s with mainly upper teens to middle 20s on Saturday as the snow begins to wind down toward the latter part of the afternoon.

CALMER THEN MORE SNOW: Skies will clear tomorrow night as readings drop back below zero across the state except the far south that may squeak out a few degrees above zero. Sunday and Monday will see mostly sunny skies with highs in the teens and 20s and lows in the single digits or so. Clouds will be on the increase Monday afternoon ahead of the next storm system that will be taking aim at the state. The snow will move in late Monday night through the day on Tuesday before pulling out early Wednesday morning. This could bring some accumulating snow across the state as well, but it’s a little too early at this point to delve into snow amounts for this storm. Temperatures will tumble once again behind the system with morning lows back below zero once again by Thursday morning and highs back in the single digits and lower teens.

FARTHER ALONG: Another significant storm could be in the offing next weekend with some more snow possible at that time. Again it’s still too early to determine amounts at this time, but it does look to be one of the most significant storms we’ve seen this season, of course that’s not saying much when most of our snows have been coming from clipper systems. A few more chances of snow are possible including a system around Valentine’s Day that would need to be monitored closely as that too could bring some accumulations of snow to the state as well. Of course anything this far out is pure speculation at this point, we’re just looking for any possible trends from run to run.

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