All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 25th 2014


FULL OF GOOD NEWS: Guess what! It’s going to snow again. Guess What! There’s going to be possible blizzard conditions to go along with that lovely snow. Guess What! It’s going to get nasty cold again. I’m just full of good news for everyone today. The system that produced the precipitation last night will be on its way out early this morning with mostly sunny skies around and readings cooler than they were yesterday by quite a bit, with readings in the teens and 20s for most places except the far west may eek out a 30 degree temperature here and there. Unfortunately, another system will be on its way in later tonight into Sunday with some snow mainly over the northeastern half of the state. Along with very strong winds, this will create blizzard or near blizzard conditions in these areas throughout the day on Sunday. Along with the blizzard conditions, temperatures will be taking a nose dive during the day. After seeing highs in the 20s and 30s early in the day, more than likely before Noon, readings will begin crashing as the strong northwesterly winds take hold. This will drive wind chill readings below zero by sunset and actual readings below zero for most of the state by early on Monday morning. Snowfall amounts will be 1-3″ with isolated 4″ totals in a swath from northern Iowa through the northeastern and eastern counties of the state. This may change a bit as we get closer. The far western and southwestern counties may see little more than a few flurries. Isn’t winter grand! Highs on Monday and Tuesday will struggle to reach 0 in the northern and central counties of the state with some areas in the south and far west possibly reaching the single digits above zero. Wind chills will be an issue both days as well with them beginning to improve by Tuesday afternoon into the evening.

SLOWLY MODERATING: Temperatures will begin to rebound at mid-week back into the teens and lower 20s for highs across the state with lows in the single digits (perhaps some sub-zero readings mixed in as well especially Wednesday morning) as the pattern becomes a bit more zonal across the country. Another system will move across the area late Wednesday night into Thursday that could bring a few snow showers or flurries to the state. At this time it doesn’t look to be too significant at this point, but we’ll continue to watch it. Another system on Friday could also bring us some snow as well. This one looks a little stronger than the one on Wednesday night into Thursday so we’ll also keep looking at that over the next couple of days as well.

ON TO FEBRUARY: The GFS shows cooler than average readings for the first week to ten days of the month but nothing brutal as this point, although as we all know that may change as we draw closer. There are a few systems of note that could bring us some more snow around the 3rd, 7th and 8th, but again we’ll be taking those with a grain of salt at this point and that salt is needed for the roads with all the storms we have between now and then. We’ll take these systems one at a time.

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