All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 21st 2014


COLD COLD COLD: It will be cold for the rest of the week across the state with just a few chances of seeing a few flurries or snow showers through the weekend. Highs today will be in the single digits and lower teens with slowly clearing skies from west to east. Tonight readings will drop a few degrees and then begin to rise once more but only into the teens and 20s on Wednesday. Some light snow and flurries will be possible in the eastern and northeastern counties of the state with any accumulation being a half inch or less. Thursday will be back into the single digits and lower teens and lows at or below zero once again. Some warmer weather tries to move back in on Friday ahead of another clipper system that will come in late Friday night through Saturday. This may be a bit more snow across the state with some accumulating snows possible mainly in the northeastern half of the state. Another weaker clipper will skirt that state late Sunday night into early on Monday that may bring some flurries or light snow showers then as well.

FARTHER ALONG: Into the extended period several more storms are seen on this model run that we will have to keep an eye on. One weak clipper moves through on the 30th that could bring some flurries or so with little if any accumulation, but the storm late on the 31st into the 1st of February will need to be monitored closely as they could bring some significant snows to the area. We have seen this from time to time in the extended period so while it’s still more than 10 days out, we watch to see if this trend continues. Another storm around the 4th and 5th of February could bring some more snow to the state at that time as well but we have plenty of time and several more storms prior to that one before we take a good hard look at it.

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