All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 6th 2014


COLD START: It is going to be dangerously cold for the first few days of the work week with highs likely not getting above zero today and not getting above zero for the northern counties on Tuesday. Wind Chills will be dangerously cold as well with -30 to -55 degree readings likely. We do promise that warmer air is in store and by Wednesday everyone will be back above zero with readings in the teens and 20s with lows in the single digits and lower teens.

A LITTLE SNOW: A disturbance will move across the area late Wednesday night that may bring a few flurries to the state. This shouldn’t amount to a whole lot more than that at this point. Another more impressive system looks to take aim at the state on Friday. This system may start out with some snow or a wintry mix before changing to all rain. Yes I said rain. The GFS is showing that readings will be above freezing, but given the snow cover on the ground, I would not be surprised to see some of the precipitation fall as sleet or possibly freezing rain. This system will end during the early morning hours on Saturday with some light snow or flurries. We will continue to monitor this storm over the next few days as it draws closer.

LOOKING FORWARD: A clipper system will move into the state late Sunday night into Monday with some chances of light snow or flurries with little if any accumulation likely. Another push of cold air will follow a clipper system on the 15th which will be reinforced on the 17th by another clipper system. Another clipper system looks to move in around the 20th with a continued northwest flow with readings likely staying slightly below seasonal levels for the middle of January.

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