All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 3rd 2014


COLD BLAST: One day respite from the really cold weather today with highs in the teens and 20s across the state. This will come off a very cold morning down below zero for many of us. It will be partly to mostly sunny today. The cold air returns with a vengeance on Saturday. This may bring some light snow or a few flurries to the area with little accumulation likely. Temperatures will likely peak early in the day in the teens north to lower 30s southeast before falling through the afternoon into the evening hours. Some snow will be possible as a storm passes to the south of the state that may skim the southeastern counties late Saturday night into Sunday. Sunday through Tuesday will be very cold with highs not making it above zero, lows in the teens and 20s below zero with wind chills possibly reaching the -40s. This will be very dangerous and record breaking cold. You should know what to do during these extreme cold events.

MODERATION: Temperatures will begin to moderate toward seasonal levels by mid-week but another storm will be on the way as well with some light snow possible on Wednesday across the state. Highs will be back into the teens and lower 20s across the state by that time. This will also last into Thursday and Friday as well.

GOING ON: The extended period continues to show a storm that could bring us some accumulating snow on the 13th and 14th across the area. Temperatures are expected to be near seasonal levels during this time with 20s likely on most of the days with lows in the teens. Toward the end of the period, the flow turns back to the northwest and a parade of clipper systems will be possible at that time.

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