All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 20th 2013


ICE THE APPETITE: Our little appetizer of a system will be on the way out later today taking the icy mix, freezing rain and snow away by the early afternoon hours. Travel is likely going to be impacted somewhat mainly on the bridges and overpasses and any untreated and rural roads. If you have to travel through the morning hours on Friday, be sure to take your time, it’s better to get to where you’re going safely then not get there at all. It will calm down the rest of Friday into the day on Saturday with skies possibly partially clearing in the northwestern counties of the state, however the next system will already be on the doorstep of the state by late in the day.

WINTRY FUN!: The next system will be moving into the state late Saturday night through the day on Sunday. This will bring some decent snows across the southeastern half of the state, while the northwestern counties may not even see much more than a few flurries at best. Back to the storm, the main window of snow will open around Midnight Sunday morning and looks to last through at least Noon before tapering off through the afternoon into the evening. Snow amounts of 5-9” are possible in a swath roughly 40 miles either side of a Centerville to Tipton to Freeport IL line. This is still highly fluid and may change. Winter Storm Watches are in effect for a large swath of the state for this system. There is also a possibility that some of the precipitation may begin as some freezing rain, sleet or even rain. If this occurs, this would lessen the snow totals, but any ice could cause real havoc on the roads. We would need to continue to monitor any subtle changes over the next couple of days. A degree or two difference and a change in the heaviest band a few miles north or south could really change the significance of this winter weather event. What we do know is that the storm will be departing late Sunday night into Monday morning. Temperatures will nosedive into the single digits and teens for highs Monday with lows Christmas Eve morning possibly well below zero (depending on snow cover).

CHRISTMAS THROUGH 2014: A clipper system is expected to move through the area on Christmas day, but this model run shows little if any precipitation in the state at this time. We can’t rule out a flurry or two here and there, but there won’t be any organized snow for the holiday at this time. Highs will be in the 20s with lows likely in the single digits (possibly colder depending on snow cover). Another weak clipper could bring some snow on the 27th with little fanfare. The parade of clippers continues on the 29th into the 30th with a blast of arctic air following that one. Another clipper passes by on the 3rd of January which may be following by some moderation at that time. We can only hope, but as is always mentioned here, things are likely to change that far out.

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