All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 10th 2013


COLD AND SNOWY: It will be a cold and a little snowy for the rest of the week. Today however it will be mainly sunny with highs in the teens to lower 20s across the state. A disturbance will move through the area late tonight into the first part of Wednesday which will bring some snow across the state. Accumulations at this time look to be an inch or less and this may cause some travel issues during the morning rush on Wednesday. Colder air continues through Thursday with highs in the teens to around 20 and lows in the single digits above and below zero. A slight moderation in temperatures on Friday will be short lived as another snow storm will move in late Friday into Saturday which will be followed by more cold air the following day Sunday, then another quick shot of snow on Monday and again next Tuesday.

LOOKING ON OUT: There is more cold air on the way in the extended period with some bouts of snow mixed in as well. The model is showing some snow possible around the 19th and again on the 21st with readings dropping well below seasonal levels once again. With Christmas at the end of the extended period, it currently looks to be cold (what else is new) with perhaps some flurries or light snow showers possible on Christmas eve. Highs look to be in the single digits and teens with lows below zero, but again this may change (which is starting to look less likely at this point)

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