All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 9th 2013


THE WEEK AHEAD: It will start out quite cold for the beginning of the week. Highs today will be in the teens with a few places in the northwest staying in the single digits. Tonight will see clear to partly cloudy skies with lows in the single digits above and below zero. A quick moving disturbance will move just to the north of the state Tuesday that may bring a few more clouds to the northern counties but not precipitation. Highs will be a bit warmer, upper teens north through the 20s in the south. Another disturbance Tuesday night into Wednesday may bring some light snow or flurries to the state at that time. Highs on Wednesday will be in the teens through the lower 20s with a slow warming trend through the end of the week back to near seasonal levels by the weekend.

WEEKEND: Another system will skirt the eastern and southeastern counties with some snow or wintry mix late Friday night into Saturday. Amounts are expected to be minimal at this point. It will turn colder once again with readings dropping back into the 20s if not teens for highs. Another disturbance approaches late Sunday into Sunday night with some snow over the far northeastern counties of the state as warmer air tries to move back in.

EXTENDED PERIOD: Near seasonal readings look to be the rule for the beginning of the period. The GFS shows a storm that may bring some precipitation around the 20th through the 23rd or so with another blast of cold arctic air coming in for Christmas. We’ll have to see if this continues on future runs, but until the system on the 20th, it does look rather quiet.

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