All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 8th 2013


SNOWY START: Snow will be moving through the state today. Current estimates show that about 2-4” of snow will be possible across the state except the far eastern and southeastern counties where snow amounts under 2 inches will be possible. The weather service has a winter weather advisory in effect for those areas. The snow will quickly move out of the area by early Monday morning with colder weather to follow to begin the work week.

WORK WEEK COLD: Temperatures are going to remain below seasonal levels to begin the week. Highs on Monday will be in the teens with lows likely remaining in the single digits above and below zero. This will last through the middle of the week before a slight moderation in temperatures by the end of the week closer to seasonal levels. There may be a brief shot at some light snow or flurries late Tuesday night into Wednesday but this shouldn’t amount to a whole lot at this time.

NEXT WEEKEND AND BEYOND: The rest of the model run looks quiet with seasonal readings for this time of year. The only real issue comes around the 21st with a storm system that could bring rain and or snow to the state. Given the tendency for the model runs to get drier of late, we’ll still wait to see what other model runs bring before going forward.

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