All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 6th 2013


BITTER COLD: Still looking to stay bitterly cold for the next few days. Plenty of sunshine around will do little good to bump the readings up any. Highs today will be in the single digits north and northwest (mainly for areas with snow pack) to the teens to near 20s far south and southeast. More sub-zero readings tonight with many areas in the north seeing single digits below zero (snow pack areas in NW Iowa will drop to the double digits below zero) with single digits above zero readings over the southern counties. A rerun will take place on Saturday as well with highs in the teens to near 20 with some increase in cloudiness ahead of the next system.

SOME SNOW SUNDAY: Another wave will move into the area late Saturday night through the day on Sunday with some light snow possible. Accumulations at this time look to be in the range of 2-4” inches with some isolated heavier totals. This will be a dry fluffy snow (the type of snow best for skiing, not best for packing) which will tend to blow around a lot, though wind will not be a major factor with this system. There could be some travel issues but nothing out of the ordinary in wintertime in Iowa. There could be some bursts of moderate snow at times during the day that may reduce visibilities otherwise typical winter weather driving tips should be followed. This system will be out of the state by Monday morning.

MORE COLD AIR: Cold air never leaves, but with more of the state covered in snow (more than likely all of it), it will be much colder for the beginning of next week for many. Readings will likely struggle to get into the double digits for highs and lows will likely be sub-zero. The GFS is showing a quick clipper system Tuesday morning that may bring some flurries to the northern and northeastern counties of the state but that won’t amount to a lot. A slight moderation in temperatures is seen toward the end of next week (but this may change)

FARTHER ALONG: This run is not as active with snow as the run yesterday showed. (Thus the reason why things are likely to change during 8-14 day period quite often from day to day). It still shows a chance of some snow around the 15th, but it looks light at this point. There are a few clipper systems through the end of the period with some chances of snow in all of them. Temperatures look to be close to seasonal levels through the period with no big blast of arctic weather during the period, but as always that could change.

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