All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 1st 2013


HEADING INTO DECEMBER: It will be a bit cooler today with partly to mostly sunny skies still around. Highs today will range from the middle 30s north to the middle 40s south. There will be a notable increase in cloudiness late tonight into Monday as a warm front moves through the state. It may kick off a flurry or a sprinkle at most but nothing to worry about. Monday will see mainly cloudy skies with temperatures in the upper 30s and lower 40s (except the SW where middle 40s on up are possible).

NEXT SYSTEM: A low pressure center will track just to the north of the state on Tuesday into early on Wednesday. This may bring a slight chance of precipitation to mainly the northern counties of the state. Most of the precipitation will be along and north of the low pressure track, so we may miss out on the snow that will likely fall across Minnesota and northern Wisconsin. Another system will track to our south and may skim the southern and southeastern counties of the state with some light snow or flurries. Any accumulation at this time looks to be minor. This is in comparison to the earlier model runs on Saturday that showed possible moderate to heavy snow across the state. We’ll watch for any possible changes in storm track. What doesn’t look to change is the big plunge of much colder air that will move in Friday into the following weekend. Highs on Friday and Saturday may struggle to get out of the teens with a cold northerly wind to drop wind chill readings to near or below zero. (Any snow pack that may fall may lower these readings further). Lows will be in the single digits above and below zero.

EXTENDING OUT: A few systems may graze the state with some chances of snow across the area. Readings look to be near seasonal levels for this time of year with a possible moderation of readings toward the end of the period. No confidence at this time regarding the extended period.

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