All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report November 20th 2013


RAINY AND SNOWY: More precipitation will be on the way to finish this work week out with some showery activity mainly over the eastern half of the state today. The rainfall will keep temperatures over the eastern counties down into the 40s while the western counties will see temperatures in the upper 40s through the 50s with mainly cloudy skies. There will be a small break in the activity late tonight through Thursday morning before the next system moves in with more rain and even snow Thursday into the early part of Friday. Snowfall accumulations currently look to be in the 1-3” range mainly in the northwestern half of the state. It looks to be mainly rain and or a wintry mix for the southeastern half at this time. This may still change however so stay tuned. Temperatures will take a tumble thereafter into the weekend with highs in the 20s to lower 30s Saturday with lows in the single digits to the lower teens. It could be even cooler in any snow pack areas with readings down to near zero Saturday and Sunday Morning.

TURKEY TIME: A slight moderation in temperatures is quickly followed by another shot of cold air on Tuesday albeit not as cold as the upcoming cold snap. This will last through Thanksgiving with slight warming for Black Friday albeit only back to around 40 at best across the area. Morning readings Friday will likely be in the 20s (perhaps teens in cooler locales).

ON TO DECEMBER: A few spurts of light snow and some cold shots are seen on the model run for the first week of December. There doesn’t look to be anything too significant at this time, but we’ll continue to watch for any changes.

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