All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report November 19th 2013


CHANGEABLE WEATHER: A warm and sunny beginning today with readings in the upper 40s through the 50s but this will not be the norm all week as more cold air is in the offing. Wednesday will see a disturbance move through that may kick off a few showers mainly in the eastern half of the state. A small window of dry weather Wednesday night into early Thursday before another more powerful system moves in with some rain changing over to snow by Friday morning across the state with colder air blowing in for the weekend. There is a chance that some of the snow may accumulate, but how much is still up for debate at this time. We’ll have a better pinpoint on that in the coming days.

WEEKEND INTO NEXT WEEK: It will be bitterly cold this weekend with Saturday being the coldest. Highs struggling to reach 30 will be common with lows in the teens (if we have any significant snowfall we could see lows well into the single digits and highs perhaps in the 20s). Warmer air tries to make inroads Sunday as the winds turn southwesterly. Some light snow or flurries may skim the northeastern counties Sunday but that shouldn’t amount to a whole lot. Monday and Tuesday will see readings in the 40s with mainly dry conditions around.

GOBBLING INTO DECEMBER: This GFS Model run shows fairly calm and quiet weather for Thanksgiving across our neck of the woods with readings generally in the 40s or so. It does turn more active and much colder toward the end of the period with some light snow possible over the weekend. Then a major arctic outbreak rolls in with some decent chances of snow on December 2nd and 3rd followed by possibly our first sub-zero readings for the first time this season thereafter. Still plenty to watch over the coming weeks.

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