All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 1st 2013


QUIETING DOWN: Slightly cooler readings for the next two days across the area with some sunshine around. Highs will be in the upper 40s to middle 50s both today and Saturday across the state. A weak disturbance will move through on late tonight into Saturday that may bring a flurry or sprinkle to the northeastern counties of the state but shouldn’t amount to a whole lot. Winds will veer back to the south on Sunday into Monday ahead of the next frontal system approaching from the west. This will boost the temperatures back into the 50s to lower 60s across the state at that time.

GOB OF PRECIPITATION: The next frontal system moves in late Monday night with a few widely scattered showers but the main rain mass looks to move in by the mid-morning hours on Tuesday and last through the rest of the day into Tuesday night and Wednesday. This run is showing that some of the precipitation could be quite heavy with a decent chance of seeing at least an inch of rain or perhaps even more than that. As cold air filters in behind the system Wednesday morning, the precipitation may end as a wintry mix in the northwestern counties of the state. It will be all about timing whether or not the cold air can get into the state while the precipitation is still around. If it were to come in faster, there would be ample time for some wintry mix or perhaps even a few snowflakes to fly during the overnight hours Tuesday night into Wednesday in the northwestern half of the state especially. We’ll continue to monitor for any possible changes in the upcoming days.

LOOKING FARTHER ALONG: The GFS shows a fairly significant storm around on Veterans Day around the area which may bring some showers and even thunderstorms to the state. This looks to quickly move off to the east with a slight break before another system races past around the 13th. This storm with colder air coming down behind the previous storm could bring a swath of wintry mix and or snow to the state at that time. It’s too early to determine it this far in advance but it is getting closer to that time of the year with regards to snow storms affecting the area. Temperatures will drop off thereafter with slight moderation toward the end of the period. All and all a very active pattern is setting up for the next few weeks across the state.

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