All of Iowa

Iowa Weather Discussion October 24th 2013


SLOWLY TRENDING UP: We can say good-bye to the clippers effecting the state for a while as temperatures will slowly increase through tomorrow. Highs today and tomorrow will be in the 40s and 50s with Friday being a few degrees warmer than today. Saturday will see a wind shift back to the northwest with readings only dropping back a few degrees or so. Lows will be down in the 20s to near 30.

NEXT SYSTEMS: Another push of cold air will come to begin the new work week. Skies will begin to cloud over Monday across the state with a chance of rain by late Monday night into Tuesday morning. One piece of the storm will move off but lingering clouds and moisture could still see a chance of a shower continue on into Tuesday night before the next piece moves in Wednesday into Thursday. Some of the cold air will filter in on Thursday that may change some of the precipitation over to a wintry mix but that’s still up for debate. There have been wild swings with this system as next Thursday is Halloween. The last several days have seen different looks to this is still questionable at this point so more details are bound to follow.

FAR OUT AS MODEL CAN SEE: Weather heading into November looks somewhat typical for this part of the country. Perhaps a weak system around the 3rd could bring a shower or a flurry. A more significant system around the 5th and 6th could bring some rain (any snow looks to stay north of the state). Another storm looks to be gathering to the west at the end of the model run on the 8th which may also bring us some more precipitation just before Veterans Day. Readings look to stay near seasonal levels through this period.