All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report October 22nd 2013


CLIPPER FUN: Fun times with clippers the next few days. One comes through today and will bring some rain and even some snow as well across the state. Some of the snow may accumulate up to an inch or two in a swath from near Spencer to Iowa Falls to Cedar Rapids to Davenport. Some areas could get more than that but it will be dependent on temperatures. Most of the roadways should remain wet except perhaps bridges and overpasses. If the rain/snow or all snow falls heavily, that will be when travel could become impacted. Be sure to use your winter driving skills if you come upon a road that is slushy later today. This system moves away later today into tonight with the next storm right on its heels on Wednesday. This one looks to target areas a bit farther to the south over the southwestern half of the state. There could be some rain and or snow with this system as well. Perhaps another accumulation possible as well with it, we’ll have to wait and see what becomes of this system as it draws closer. Temperatures during this time will be in the 40s to near 50 for highs and lows in the 20s to near 30.

TEMEPRATURES RISING: Readings do look to increase slightly as we head toward the end of the week into the weekend, but only into the 50s at most across the state. A cold front will swing through Saturday but all the moisture looks to stay to our northeast. Readings each night look to stay around the freezing mark give or take a few degrees either side. Sunday also looks dry with readings in the 50s to lower 60s ahead of another push of colder air heading into next week.

NEXT WEEK AND BEYOND: The next push of cold air arrives Monday. This along with a system coming in from the southwest will bring some rain across the state on Monday into Monday night and next Tuesday. Snow will be found across South Dakota, Nebraska into Wyoming and Colorado. Denver could be especially hard hit especially during the overnight hours Monday night into Tuesday morning. The trough digs out a new storm that will then race north northeastward into the Great Lakes on Halloween that may bring some clouds and perhaps a few flurries or sprinkles to the eastern counties of the state. Thereafter a few clipper like systems look to just clip the state to the north bringing with it a few clouds and perhaps a shower or snowflake but nothing more than that. Of course things can change wildly this far out and will likely do so.

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