All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 20th 2013


HERE COMES THE COLD: Today will be a warm day, but given the fact the next week will see much cooler conditions, this will be a heat wave. Highs today will be in the 50s north to mid to upper 60s south. Cold air will push in late tonight into Monday with readings dropping into the 40s to lower 50s. Another disturbance on Tuesday will bring some rain and snow showers to the state. Travel will not be impacted with this system. Readings will continue to stay below average through the rest of the week with slight warming by Friday ahead of another system coming down from the northwesterly flow by Saturday that could bring some rain/snow showers at that time.

EXTENDING OUT: The slight warming at the end of next week gets squashed by another clipper system on the 28th (Monday). Most of the precipitation with that system will be to the northeast of the state but a few clouds could be possible in the northeastern quarter of the state. The cold push looks to last through Halloween before temperatures moderate back to near or slightly above average through the first few days of November. Another rush of cold air looks to take hold around the 3rd and 4th with another system at that time.

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