All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 18th 2013

NOTE: Video was made at Midnight last night but due to internet outage was not posted until 11:45am

COLD BLAST: Colder air will move into the state today and looks to last for several days with chances of some light rain that could be mixed with some snow especially at night. The best chances of seeing any precipitation looks to be late tonight into Saturday, Sunday night into Monday, Monday night and Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. The amounts will be light and should cause no travel problems. Readings during this time will be in the 40s to lower 50s with nighttime lows in the upper 20s through the middle 30s. Temperatures begin to moderate slowly toward the end of the week.

THROUGH THE EXTENDED PERIOD: The pattern gets very interesting in the extended period. We have a storm that could bring some rain to the state Saturday the 26th into early Sunday the 27th. Then a big push of cold and I mean COLD air comes on the 28th with some rain that day across the state that may switch over to snow on the 29th. This model shows that any snow that may fall would be light with the heaviest accumulations to our north. Temperatures will tumble down into the 30s for highs if not colder behind this system with lows possibly dropping into the teens. Readings will moderate once again that by the end of the period readings should be back to around the upper 50s to middle 60s. We’ll continue to monitor these events in future IWR’s.