Gardening, Uncategorized

Fall Color Report #3

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Regional Color Map

The fall color map this week shows an expansion of color across Central Minnesota and Wisconsin. Low color is still all that is being found across Southern Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas South Dakota and Nebraska. Moderate color is expected to soon expand across Southern Minnesota, Northern Iowa and Southern Wisconsin in the upcoming weeks.

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Fall colors in Eastern Iowa.

Here in Eastern Iowa fall color is continuing to increase. Most areas are still on the low end of the fall color spectrum but are beginning to approach moderate color. Ash trees are at peak and are in colors in yellow and purple. Maples both Red and Sugar Maples are turning orange and red. Burning bushes are turning fire red and Amur maples are turning as well. In areas where there are earlier turning trees concentrated in one area color is good, however when looking at the canopy as whole most of the canopy is still green and the colors that are there are not yet bright. Mid to late turning trees like Oaks, Aspens and Silver Maples are still green as well.

Area fall color report

Cedar Rapids Metro Low Color
Iowa City Low Color
Waterloo Low Color
Anamosa Low Color
Independence Low Color 


  1. I was disappointed with the foliage up here in Duluth this year. Still seeing quite a bit of green closer to Lake Superior, very odd for this time of year.

  2. That is surprising there is a fair amount of green there. Color is really increasing here in Eastern Iowa its starting to get pretty bright, however it has not really been spectacular and I have a feeling the drought probably for the most part knocked down our color season.

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