The SPC has issued a Moderate Risk For severe thunderstorms for Northern into Central Iowa with a Slight Risk for the majority of Iowa on Friday. The risk area includes Waterloo, Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Iowa City as well as surrounding communities. The moderate risk area is showing a heightened risk for Northern & Central Iowa. everyone Northwest of a line from the Davenport Metropolitan area to Centerville,Iowa is with in the risk area. Strong thunderstorms will form along a strong fall cold front in Centeral and Northwestern Iowa in the early afternoon Friday and move east. Arriving here in Eastern Iowa during the evening hours. The biggest threat will be large hail and damaging winds for our area here in the east. But the risk for tornadoes is certainly there especially where storms 1st develop which seems to especially be near the Waterloo-Marshalltown area north and westward where the moderate risk area is located.
By sure to see your favorite internet weather source for more information
SPC outlook links can be found HERE