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Fall Color Report #1

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Regional Fall Color Report

Fall colors are beginning to appear across the area and it is now time to begin annual fall color reports. Being from Northwestern Wisconsin it is a new experience to me that I have not had to start yet since when I lived there it was near the 1st of September that I would start that rather then the 1st of October. Across the region, low color is being observed across a large portion of the area including most of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. Northern parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin are already reporting moderate areas of color.

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Fall color starting to show on Green Ash September 28th Hiawatha,IA

This summer most of Iowa saw 100 degree temperatures along with drought that developed. It will be interesting to see how the fall color season progresses, rains over the past week may have very well could have saved our season. Currently Here in Eastern Iowa fall color literally starting popping over the past 5 days or so. All areas are reporting low color, and many State DNR sites and locals say this is slightly earlier then normal and could possibly be from drought stress. Trees that are showing color are strictly among earlier changing species including most Ash trees are turning, Sumac and Prairie Dogwoods. A few Red and Sugar Maples are showing some color, but most remain green. We certainly have a long ways to go in our fall color season , however we have gotten a good start so far.

Local Fall Color Reports

Waterloo Low Color
Iowa City Low Color
Cedar Rapids Low Color
Marengo Low Color
Anamosa Low Color
Independence Low Color