All of Iowa, Drought, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 7th 2013


HOT STUFF: More warm weather ahead over the weekend into the first part of next week. There is a small chance of seeing a shower or storm late tonight into Sunday morning and perhaps Sunday night into Monday morning, but many areas will remain dry. Readings today will be in the 80s to mid 90s across the state. A bit cooler on Sunday with a front having moved through the state with some 80s northeast to low to mid 90s southwest before the heat rebuilds for Monday and Tuesday with 90s most everywhere at that time.

MAYBE RAIN: A frontal system will move into the state late Tuesday through the day on Wednesday next week with another chance of some showers and thunderstorms. Again the chances aren’t that great, but they are better than this weekend. Behind the front temperatures will cool down for the end of the week back to near seasonal levels for the early to middle part of September as High Pressure builds into the region from Canada.

SURPRISE: Later into the month the GFS shows a ridge developing over us, keeping most of the storm systems away from the area. Isn’t that a surprise! Outside of a possible rain chance around the 21st and 22nd, it looks dry for the extended period which isn’t surprising given that it’s been that way for the last few weeks so what else is new. We hope changes are on the way and not during the time when farmers will NEED dry weather for harvesting what crops haven’t wilted and died in the fields.

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