All of Iowa, Drought, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 6th 2013


RAIN CHANCES UPCOMING: There still looks to be a slight chance of seeing some showers and thunderstorms over the next few days. They will be widely scattered and many places will be dry, but for those that do get some of the liquid gold, it will be a blessing. Unfortunately, readings today and tomorrow especially will be warm with highs mainly in the upper 80s through the mid 90s. A frontal system may cool the northeastern counties on Sunday into the lower 80s but everyone will be back in the hot stuff to start the work week as well before a cold front moves in Tuesday.

REST OF WEEK: The cold front will come through Tuesday with some scattered showers and thunderstorms. The GFS is showing it to be another hit or miss type set up which may lead to some areas getting left out once again. It wouldn’t be surprising given the last several storms have under-performed with regards to precipitation. While some areas have gotten a lot of rain, others such as parts of southeastern Iowa haven’t seen a drop of rain since July! After the frontal passage it does look to cool down to near seasonal levels once again through the end of the week.

FARTHER ALONG: Farther out seeing no real confident patterns setting up with the GFS showing mainly dry weather continuing until the end of the period when a “possible” storm may approach around the 20th-21st. Expect that to likely be gone on any further runs as any rain that seemingly shows up on these runs in the extended period dries up like the ground and grass outside for weeks now.

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