All of Iowa, Drought, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 1st 2013


REFRESHING START: A cold front will be making its way into the state today with some isolated to scattered chance of showers and thunderstorms. Some areas may get rainfall amounts up over a half inch while some areas may get little more than a tenth if that. It will be hit and miss unfortunately. What is fortunate is the heat will be saying adios to the state replaced with refreshing more like September air with readings in the 70s to lower 80s through mid-week and lows in the upper 40s to mid 50s. Shut off the AC and open the windows!

STILL MAINLY DRY: The weather pattern doesn’t look too promising for those wanting some rain. The GFS has some isolated rain chances in western and central Iowa at mid-week but those look bleak at this time. Readings will start to warm slowly ahead of another storm that may come through early the following week (which is in the extended period). Until then the best chance of rain is the chance today and then perhaps another week or more without any.

EXTENDED PERIOD: The GFS really is rambunctious with rain toward the middle of the month which I don’t feel to confident with at this time given the lack of much rain in the last month or so. There are some cool periods with High Pressures coming down from Canada but that’s typical for this time of year as we gradually move out of summer and into the fall season across Iowa.

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